Naya Colony Sudhar Upabhokta Samiti is making an extraordinary effort t supply water in its catchment area. The residents were facing severe problems of water scarcity and they are struggling hard to solve this problem.

With the genuine and handsome support of Mahankal VDC ,the project to supply water  for 5000 families around the area which is under construction and the unpurified waer is supplied for trial in the area at present. “ The support of VDC is worthy and big initiation which makes us encouraged” Mr. Pramod Dhakal the chairman of the samiti said. Mahankal VDC had supported the sum of Rs 2000000          ( Twenty Lakhs ) in the last fiscal year to run the project. The samiti was established  10 years ago to developed the infrastructures and social sectors of the area. The underground sources of water  is used and they are planning to installed the filter plant according to Mr. Dhakal. He further said that the authority has assured them to provide the filtration plant  very soon.

Apart from VDC other consumers committee active in the catchment  area also contributed in the project . Due to the acute scarcity of water in the valley the locals are searching the alternative themselves because Melamchi Water Project becomje a myth for the people of  Kathmandu. Another successful project by the locals is Kapan Jordhara Kanepani Project in Kapan  which is supplying water to 852 families.

New Colony Sudhar Samiti is also planning to upgrade the rod at Sukedhara which become stream  when it rains. The travelers satire that they will bring boat instead of vehicles when they see the grave condition of road at Sukedhara.

:Punyaraj Pudasaini

E-mail: – [email protected]

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